Character: Disney’s parody of Batman set in the same world as Ducktales. Darkwing Duck was originally broadcast in 1991-1992. In Australia, the cartoon was part of the Saturday Disney line up.
Created: 2014
Event: originally for my sister’s Disney themed birthday party. Also worn at 2014 Oz Comic Con, Brisbane.
- Nothing – hence why I had to make my own Darkwing Duck costume!
- Hat made from stiff cardboard and covered in grey material
- Cape made from purple material with a pink interior, tied at neck
- Jacket made from purple material with large buttons ordered fromeBay and spray painted gold. Front held together with velcro.
- Mask made from leftover purple material
- Duck feet made from swimming flippers cut to shape with material to make the top of the feet. This was then painted in rubber latex coloured yellow and feathers were stuck to the top
- Leggings are white stretchy material
- Gun is a caulking gun with cardboard over the barrel and painted purple. The end is a polystyrene shape bought at a cheap store, painted with glue and spray painted silver. The three rings are cardboard.
- The beak is the brim of two caps painted with rubber latex coloured yellow and glued together. Held on by elastic.
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